art so awesome itll melt your face off

loves it!
wanna play old school video games online? who doesnt! follow the link and enjoooooy!

star wars

here is some graffiti of star wars bc i am a nerd like that.
i like guerrilla art!

blink-182 "always"

one of my favorite songs "always" by one of my favorite bands blink-182. i really liked the three way split screen. it is an interesting video.

and here is a bonus just bc the video is creatively hilarious!

some background on this.
24hr theatre and Alpha Psi Omega has a philanthropy project every year. basically what we do is either 24 hrs of straight theatre performance and as of last year we do what can be simplified as the one day play (a play is written, memorized, blocked, lit, staged all in one day for a paying audience). two years ago we decided we needed a more creative way to advertise for our project. we decided "freezes" at rudder plaza would be a good way. he are the results.

gLee is one of my new fave shows! basic premise: it is a glee club. anyway. here is one of my favorite songs from the show. i am tryin to find some of the more creative clips. this kinda of music gets me motivated to do theatre and stuff.

sorry the videos have been squished lately D:

dude perfect

this had made the rounds.
how do they think of these things? worlds longest basketball shot?

back from break

wow. sorry! turkey break was great. I have a few things coming your way via videos and what not. whoop!

here is a hand turkey that i drew to hold you over! GOBBLE!
remember when those were cool to do? yeah i am bringin it back!

Aggie Theatre!

Sooooo our show Midsummer was featured on
here is the link and some pics. :)
good publicity for our program! whoop for innovative theatre!

Wired Article!!!!

last one i swear


more RR&TFB

amazing interp. of a classic song! and great views of that sweet instrument. i wanna play some music now!

after some research* [read "googling"] i found out about the instrument. Pedal_steel_guitar. there's the wiki link!


Sorry for the void in posts. Just finished wrapping up Midsummer [pics to come soon from that]. For now enjoy Robert Randolph and the Family Band. This is a super pump you up song ["Ain't Nothing Wrong With That"]. this song gets my creative juices flowing. and the lead singer has such passion.


Today is a day that every Aggie knows. It is a day that remains forever etched into our University. 10 years ago Texas A&M was changed. The Aggie Family was pushed to the limits. The Spirit that can ne'er be told was tested. We will never forget the 12 we lost. Today I answer "here".

There's a spirit can ne'er be told...

so this creeps me out...

read the history of this man. i get an uneasy feeling when ready about it. is there an explanation for this? or could it just be people being easily influenced. i feel like this could be real, but could also be like alien abductions. you know, people know all about them and sometimes just let their subconscious do the rest. regardless this man creeps me out. what are you all's thoughts? real? fake? i am still on the fence...

here is his creep pic.


Demetri Martin is a comedian of genuis epicness.
Palindromes are words, phrases, numbers or other sequences of units that can be read the same way in either direction (the adjustment of punctuation and spaces between words is generally permitted).
Mr. Martin is a fan of those. Here is his 113 word palindrome titled "Dammit I'm Mad".

Wow. O.K.

A still animal sits afoot. Tones I ring.

I sing (i.e. ride it, nuts open). On or off, I riff.

Uh… I, to lasses, say, "Oh aha, hah, all!"

It's tops. It is a Tao, bro, to my baby demo.

Can one poet arise so rosy?

As "D" I star. Comedy, baby. My my, a show.

Oh say "my my," baby.

Democrats? I'd say so. (Roses irate.)

Open, on a comedy baby motorboat. As "it"

I spot still a "ha hah!" ahoy. Assess a lot.

I huff, I riff, or on one post untied, I reign.

I sign. I rise, not too fast.

I slam. In all, it's a K.O. wow.


it is a little trippy....

what is the next great thing...

It seems that every day there is the next big thing. Myspace. YouTube. Facebook. Twitter.
So I ask: what is next?
What is the next must have? I can not see anything overtaking. I mean, how far can we go? Video seems to be the next logical intergration into our lives. It has to be the next must with something i guess. Maybe a way to tweet 20sec video. I am sure something like this exists. but anyway it is just a thought....
speaking of twitter. follow me @song_of_adam
cheap plug :P


sorry for the lack of post! i have been busy with the theatre life. i have some pictures from the show as well as some writings and drawings. and more awesomeness all around!!!
any one who doubts me can fight me! (9'')9

the aggie player logo. whoop theatre!