yay online comics!

 i read quite a bit of online comics. to me being able to come up with a new comic strip every day, or every other day, has to be tough. you have to be able to think outside of the box with some of the stuff they do! here are a few comics and some linkage to some i find very entertaining. also, look for the secret comics. sometimes there are funnier than the regular one

some of the comics may not be safe to view in certain places [for ex.: really strict work]. there is some foul language.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

sometimes you gotta think....math humor...

   funny story: the writers/artists of the comic are all from texas. and two of my cousins are dating two of four artists/writers!

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

this strip is kind of out there. it is awesome...sometimes hard to understand

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